Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Plants

The other day I gave our plants some attention. They needed weeded, watered etc. And I took more pictures, see this is really just a picture post, but its also how I spent my day. =D I mean the morning.

This is the cilantro. In this picture the white stuff looks like tiny blooms, but really its liek weird white fuzzy stuff. Its really gross and weird...

This one you can't see it. Its a different plant and its not as bad on that one. ;)
You can see it more here. EW.

I "harvested" a little.
Let's just say it didn't really taste like cilantro. (No, I didn't eat the white stuff. Especially since I'm wondering if its bird poop. Yeah. Ew.)
This is our oregano. Its doing pretty well. :D
The oregano had weeds. Yes. I weeded it. Yes. I took pictures. Oh wait, you already knew that.
Okay, I am so proud of myself. I didn't scream. I only jumped and almost screamed. This spider jumped out of the oregano and freaked me out, but I'm soo proud of myself for getting a picture. :D
I like labeling all my stuff even when its obvious. Funny story actually. You know how on Brady Bunch at the theme song its like they almost sing "and Ann B Davis as Alice?" Well, we were singing that cause we always do and I was labeling my apple. Like after it was in a bag. But I accidentally wrote "Alice" instead of "Apple." Whoops. XD

The plants look a lot happier now, don't you think?

Then I did Math. I hate Math. Period.

Our Little Garden of Light

The Last Week

Today was the last day of Co-Op for this year. Our little garden is flourishing! I have picked two squash from our garden already. (We're eating them for dinner tonight.) Today we had SO much fun. Sadly, I didn't have my camera, but I have earlier pictures of the garden. Here are a few pictures.
This is one of the bigger squash plants that is growing. It has many yellow squash on it now.
These are some tomato plants. They are getting tiny green circles on them. Those will soon be ripe, red tomatoes!
I found a visitor among the tomatoes. He left very quickly after I took the picture.

Well, those are all the interesting pics that i have of the garden for now, but now I will tell you about our day today!

First: We came inside the fellowship hall and ate a SCRUMPTIOUS lunch.
Second: We played a little as we cleaned up and then watched a video on the character trait of obedience.
Third: We went outside and played a rousing game of kickball! The teams were divided into families grouped with other families to create a team. Josh Ours showed up to help his sibs. The red team was still indestructible!!!!! (If you can't tell i was on the red team. :)
Then  we talked in the fellowship hall and finally we had to leave. It was a bunch of fun!

Thanks for reading,
Dianna Hudson